= A cocooning Castle for new Butterflies 

the Château Papillon des Arts de St.Moritz is a hybrid space 
between an Art Castle and a Cultural Think-Tank

run by the Association "Manufactura Engiadina".

 🦋 Art Castle 🦋

Well researched, finely curated, and not primarely commercial Art Exhibitions

focus on supporting

1. Local Engadin Artists,

2. Engadin related Artists and

3. African Contemporary Artists,

predominantly Young Emerging Artists.

🦋 Social House for Arts 🦋

the Château Papillon is more than an Art Gallery.

it's rawer than white cube.

and it gives visibility to all branches of young local talents,

not only to visual artists: 

to musicians, fashion designers, poets ... to all creatives,

to all emerging talents, to all butterflies.

and "social" in "Social House for Arts", 

because we believe not only in 

1. supporting young talents, but also in

2. hacking the system to ease the access to the arts & culture

and raise new art-lovers and foster a new culture-audience

in inviting friends and friends-of-friends to gather socially at château

and thereby we get culture-cocoons immersed and naturally soaked-up into our shows

3. we proactively foster the exchange and crosspollination of all culture-players of the region,

through our Events (Kulturpasta : every 1st Wednesday of the Month).

*the region = "The Greater Cultural Region of the Engadin",
= Upper & Lower Engadin + Bergell + Val Müstair + Puschlav

🦋 Cultural Think-Tank,

incubator & accelerator for new Talents

& new Ideas 🦋
* We proactively bring the (young local) culture players, our network of innovative minds of Zweitheimische and Friends

and our network of "potential mentors" together.
* Often, when engaging in a new project, the project concieving

is majorly involving the active creativity of the participants

in order to accent the grassroot parameter and to catalyze the creative explosion of ideas.

* We proactively and regularly organize Evenings to discuss and brainstorm about

solutions to the challenges of living, creating, working in the Engadin.

We happily realize, that since taking over the Château 2 winters ago, our vision became real,

unfolded like the wings we were cocooning.

Our Social Castle for Arts is truly transforming into a cultural think-tank

… into an incubator and accelerator for new Ideas and new Talents 🤩🙌🏼

more poetically said :
A coocooning Castle for new Butterflies 🦋

Last impressions from Social Media: 




SATURDAYS : 14.00 - 18.00

& ON APPOINTMENT: / 0796941891

🌞🍁 Fall 🍂🌞
Gallery only open on Appointment: / 0796941891