"The three Observers"

in every left corner.

"The three Observers" in every left corner:

What is intimacy ? Private Sphere ? What does it mean being an INDIVIDUAL?

"Intimité Teranga" shows artworks by the Senegalese artist Sandiry Niang.

As an observer yourself, tour around the Château and hunt down "the three obervers":
they hide in every top left corner and observe the situation

in the painting... Or do they observe the observer ?

Sandiry Niang is an expressive painter from West Africa, with a strong imagery.

He grew up in a family of plenty in a narrow house

with a narrow opportunity of unfolding: He was litteraly raised in a 2-rooms-house with so many siblings,

that he felt "observed" his whole childhood long; never could he sleep, eat, breath, think, without the alert eyes of his siblings. 
it was only with the age of 7-8 years,

that he discovered, what "privacy" and "individualism" could mean.
This new experience would accompagny him his whole life. With every move, decision he would make, he would enjoy the freedom of not being "observed" anymore - or was he still ? When do the eyes of the state replace the eyes of the siblings ? in Africa... the older you grow, the more you actually can vanish into absolute unknownhood if you want to. In some countries even the censusses of the population are a joke. If you cannot even tell if one lady in the neighborhood has 3 or 13 children.. don't you think some population censusses are quite volatilely to be taken ? 
In answer to that, we, in the "western civilisations" are born into - as Sandiry points it out "an architecture that promotes individualism, from the moment of birth on, when we get our own sleepingroom", with our own private sphere. Later on though... ... big brother is watching you... isn't it then, that in the western strongly technologized world, that we apparently live in complete freedom, althoug secretly, the algorithms, the government, the social pressure is watching us all the time? in every painting we can find 3 little observers in the top left corner. 
To me, Carolin A. Geist, as the Curator of this exhibition, i admire the strong consequence of imagery in his work;
moreover, i respect the strong consequent narrative and symbolisms this artist appropriated himself.

Sandiry Niang, an Artist to watch !
                                                     Carolin A. Geist



Living and working in DAKAR, SENEGAL.